Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So I'm hooked onto this super duper ultra mega cute game. It doesn't have a name though. So I call it the wabbit/bunny game. :) The wabbit is so so so so so so so so so so adwowableeeeeeee. *hugs wabbit*

Anyway, high score so far ;

Nyeh. I'm so proud of myself. harhar!

Happy clappy. :D Skipping school tomorrow some more. Double happy clappy.

Diagnostic test is utter crap. Quote " We are recycling the questions papers so DO NOT write anything on it, including your name. We love the Earth too much to chop down more trees." Unquote.


Ok, back to 'gaming'.

Quote mom, "study never see you so pia, what are you doing now huh?" Unquote mom. *sheepish smile*

On another note, looks like my biological clock has gone haywire. I think. Looks like it also. :S I slept at 3ish last night, woke up 3 hours later, had a very mild coffee before going to school, nearly died doing diagnostic test for Math and Biology but still manage to finish it off, stayed back for Ed Board,(ahh, my last meeting already. *emo*) had less than an hour of nap in the afternoon and I'm still lasting. Super salah can die okay. Normally, I would be so tired I'd konked off by now. I mean I'm tired la, but if I want to stay up I can wan lor, with or without the game. heh.

Another thing, The Kite Runner makes me damn emo la. I cried reading the whole chapter 9. Amir is so mean, poor Hassan. sigh. This book so emo, in fact, most of the books I got are those that can make me cry. The only few that I didn't cry after reading are the wizard ones and shopaholic series. I should get more happy clappy books la. -.-

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