Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Skipping school tomorrow because,
1) I don't wanna get my History marks.
2) I'm obviously lazy.
3) I'm down with a flu. (My nose is as red as Rudolph's and I bet it's gonna start peeling soon, which hurts. :S Kleenex have been a good friend though.)

Anyway, something random here.


Have you thought of the reasons why do people betray and stuff? I never really come to a conclusion for that. In fact, it wasn't such big a deal to me. So yeah, why do people do that anyway? Why do they do it and when people tell them off, they can just act as if nothing happened? Won't they feel a tinge of guilt? For talking bad about people etc. Can they find happiness by doing things as such? What would they get in return? Attention? Maybe. I'll just settle for that for the moment.


And you know what type of people I hate most? I hate those people that would never listen. They are so irritatingly annoying. Grrhh. All they do is talk about themselves and more about themselves. They'll just shut you up whenever you have something to say, be it something they like to hear or not, they just show no interest. How annoying is that? Especially when it comes to advising people as such-CAN DIE. You'll just waste time, waste energy and saliva.

Basically, I hate(wait, hate is a strong word. fine, despise) them. I don't know what have gotten into me but yeah. Just ramblings. Probably MS too.

Oh, marks are like SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEET. :( My BM essay killed me. On.The.Spot.

On a happy note, chicken lady is backkkkkkk!!!! Wheeeee! Now all we need is dinner and catching up. ;D

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