Monday, April 28, 2008

Talk it out.

Certain things, you have to. Like last night/this morning, I had one of the best conversation ever. 1 and a 1/2 hours of giggles and laughter, and it couldn't get any better. And to think of it, the conversation started really awkwardly from I cannot tell I cannot tell to... We know what we said. ;)

Sometimes its so hard to spill it out you think its best kept inside. But how would you know if you never tried? I think there was a surge of relief (for you la) after mumbling out whatsoever you need to (to me). Even if it hurts you and me at that moment, we somehow, or more like me alone manage to pick things up and make the most out of it.

You see, this is a good thing when you let down your damn ego a bit. If its so hard to let it down for a moment then, I don't know what to say. Cause I remember not giving face to you at all after what you said. I went on and on, bombarding you so much (to think back it was quite mean) and we ended up 'Shit la, 5.30 de. Damn no life wei.'

This is one of the heart-to-heart, no hard feelings, happy clappy talk that I don't think I ever had with any of my girls. Wei, you seriously becoming a girl meh? Or did I become a man overnight?

What we have is precious. And I don't wanna lose it at the end of the day. YOU, deserves someone much better. And please start believing in God. Please. ;) Heh.

As for me, let me fall for someone I can never have and slowly pick up those broke pieces. After all, what is there to lose just to give it a try?

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