Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dance dance.

Since when am I into it?


Just got home. Been out since morning. College, home, McD, Ben's place, McD again, home. Only came home to shower in the evening then out again till now. Ugh. Not that I'm complaining or anything cause its fun actually; being busy and all (read: nonsensical things). :)

My mood have been like a roller coaster ride. Happy and emo- it goes on and on. Wth lar. Yang ah, you got the powerrr to spread emo-ness wan is it? LOL. Kidding. ;)

Ok, just a shop update before people think my blog is dead. Gtg now. Driving tomorrow. Funny how I'm not having em' jitters.


ps-Ning, he is cute. *grins*

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